About Us

As a fashion stylist we knew fashion is not only do you adhere about the design, you and the ranges of colours, complementary colours, decorations, music, fabrics, compositions of colours as well as fabrics, trends, garments, etc. In short, be up to date with any news that has to do with this world.
We believe that innovation among all sectors is necessary. However, you rarely to see what’s the new fashion, new style out there specifically ones that will save you time and trying to find new outfit for your next even. That’s why we decided to start PURPLE RAINNE . Our goal is to
make your life easier, specifically in finding outfits, style that will boost your confidence knowing you are wearing the right fit.
We understand that fashion outfit can be time consuming That’s why we offer our own fashion style, so you can spend less time in finding / looking for an outfit and more time doing what you love.